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domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

Cuidado! Cambiar la IP de Contact Center invalida las licencias

Recientemente tuve que cambiar la máscara del los Contact Center CCX de un cliente. Puede hacerse desde el interfaz web del CCX en el apartado OS Administration > System > IP > Ethernet, pero no me funcionó porque estaba activado el failover del interfaz Ethernet. El failover permite la redundancia de los puertos Ethernet del servidor.

En este caso no hay más remedio que conectarse por ssh y hacerlo en modo consola:

ssh –l CRSAdministrator 10.X.Y.Z
set network failover dis
set network ip eth0 10.X.Y.Z
set network failover ena

El cambio de dirección IP o máscara provoca un reinicio del servidor.

Si haces el reinicio desde el interfaz web te avisa de que las licencias dejarán de ser válidas y que tendrás un periodo de gracia de 30 dias para cargar las nuevas. Esto suele ocurrir si trabajas con servidores virtualizados, pero en mi caso eran servidores dedicados.

Al logarse tras el reinicio te avisa de que está con licencias temporales. Abrí un caso a Cisco pidiendo nuevas licencias con la MAC que puedes encontrar en OS Administration > Show > System. Hay que distinguir entre la MAC del servidor y la "License MAC", que no coinciden. Ya os podéis imaginar por qué insisto en este punto.

Cargué las licencias y me dio unos mensajes de error sobre licencias duplicadas.

No hay motivo de alarma, aunque sí de confusión. Al cerrar y abrir de nuevo la sesión comprobé que el mensaje de licencias temporales había desaparecido.

PS. Debí haber leído antes la información de Cisco en la web de licencias...

The Unified CCX system uses a new licensing mechanism. The licenses are based on a string called the License MAC which is different from the Physical MAC address of a system.
The License MAC string is generated during installation and is based on various input fields, such as the hostname, IP address, etc.
If any of these fields change after fresh installation, the License MAC will become invalid and you must request new license(s).
You can generate the License MAC in one of the following ways.
Obtain License MAC after installing Unified CCX
Obtain License MAC before installing Unified CCX
To obtain License MAC after installing Unified CCX:
License MAC will be displayed during system install. You must make a note of this for ordering license files. To obtain License MAC after installing Unified CCX, complete the following steps:
Step 1: Log in to the Unified CCX system command line interface (CLI) using Unified CCX Administrator credentials.
Step 2: Run ?show status? command. Output of this command contains the License MAC.Obtain License MAC before installing Unified CCX.
To obtain License MAC prior to installing Unified CCX:
Step 1: Go to the answer file generation Web site.
Step 2: Select Cisco Unified CCX from Product Options.
Step 3: Fill in all the configuration information used for installation, such as IP address, hostname, and more on that site. Answer file generated from this can be used for unattended Unified CCX installation. You can also use this answer file to generate the License MAC (based on given parameters) so you can order the license prior to building the machine.
Step 4: Once the answer file is generated, this page enables you to obtain the License MAC. Caution: If you change any of the parameters or configuration information after ordering the license, License MAC will be changed and the ordered license file may become invalid.
By submitting this form, you are acknowledging that you have read the End-User License Agreement, of which this Registration Form is a part "Agreement", and that you understand it and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. You further agree that the Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of the Agreement between the parties, and supersedes all proposals or prior agreements, oral or written, and all other communications between the parties relating to the subject matter of the Agreement.

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